All experience and coursework listed on a JST will be evaluated for applicability
toward your current degree program. You will have the option of accepting or declining
the military credit determined to be applicable toward your degree program by submitting
the Military Transfer Credit Agreement (MTCA) form. Once the JST and MTCA are received by the Office of the Registrar, the following
procedure is used:
Office of the Registrar - Transfer Evaluation & Student Services researches the ACE
military evaluations program guide to determine the recommendation made by that organization.
Only military training and experience with a credit recommendation at the lower-division
and upper-division baccalaureate degree category level is evaluated.
Once the decision has been made, it cannot be reversed because the amount of transfer
credit determines Financial Aid eligibility, including both federal and state aid.
For questions, please visit the Office of Student Financial Aid.
To review the complete policy, please refer to our Catalog.
Current Catalog